
[2] Schulte, Felix. 2023. Frieden durch Selbstbestimmung: Erfolg und Scheitern territorialer Autonomie. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-24343-1. MORE

[1] Schulte, Felix. 2020. Peace through Self-Determination: Success and Failure of Territorial Autonomy. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-37587-4. MORE


*Aquila Ascendens Prize 2019

Peer-reviewed articles

[12] Schulte, Felix, and Christoph Trinn. 2024. “Collective Emotions, Triggering Events, and Self-Organization: The Forest-Fire Model of Cultural Identity Conflict Escalation.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 78. doi: 10.1016/j.avb.2024.101954. MORE

[11] Neureiter, Michael, and Felix Schulte. 2024. “A Tale of Two Logics: How Solidarity and Threat Perceptions Shape Immigrant Attitudes towards Immigration in Western Europe.West European Politics 47(2): 280–302. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2022.2143162. MORE

[10] Debus, Marc, and Felix Schulte. 2024. “How Party Competition Shapes Ethnic Parties’ Positions on Migration and Immigration.” Party Politics 30(1): 126–38. doi: 10.1177/13540688221136107. MORE

[9] Peckelhoff, Clara, and Felix Schulte. 2023. “Grievances, Policies or Clientelism? The Different Logics behind Ethnic Voting in Democracies and Autocracies.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics. doi: 10.1080/13537113.2023.2235174. MORE

[8] Schulte, Felix, and Gene Carolan. 2023. “What’s Law Got to Do with It? How the Degree of Legalization Affects the Durability of Post-Conflict Autonomy Agreements.” Ethnopolitics. doi: 10.1080/17449057.2023.2207876. MORE

[7] Schulte, Felix, and Christoph V. Steinert. 2023. “Repression and Backlash Protests: Why Leader Arrests Backfire.” International Interactions 49(1): 1–30. doi: 10.1080/03050629.2023.2149513. MORE

[6] Schulte, Felix, and Christoph Trinn. 2022. “Self-Rule and Intrastate Conflict Risk in Divided Societies: A Configurational Analysis of Consociational Institutions.” Swiss Political Science Review 28(3): 413–32. doi: 10.1111/spsr.12514. MORE

[5] Trinn, Christoph, and Felix Schulte. 2022. “Untangling Territorial Self-Governance – New Typology and Data.” Regional & Federal Studies 32(1): 1–25. doi: 10.1080/13597566.2020.1795837. MORE

*[Regional & Federal Studies co-winner of best article prize 2023]

[4] Schulte, Felix. 2019. “Publication and Collaboration Patterns in Autonomy Research – A Bibliometric Analysis.” Journal of Autonomy and Security Studies 3(2): 38–65. MORE

[3] Schulte, Felix. 2018. “Toward a Multi-Causal Model of Successful Conflict Regulation through Territorial Self-Government: Lessons from South Tyrol.” Austrian Journal of Political Science 47(4): 33–43. doi:10.15203/ozp.2660.vol47iss4. MORE

[2] Schulte, Felix. 2018. “The More, The Better? Assessing the Scope of Regional Autonomy as a Key Condition for Ethnic Conflict Regulation.” International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 25(1): 84–111. doi: 10.1163/15718115-02501001. MORE

[1] Schulte, Felix. 2017. “Two Birds, One Stone – War-to-Democracy Processes after Ethnic Conflicts.” Sicherheit & Frieden 35(1): 34–45. doi:10.5771/0175-274X-2017-1-34. MORE

Book Chapters

[2] Maerz, Seraphine F., Felix Schulte, and Christoph Trinn. 2024. “Autocratization and Political Conflict.” In The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization, Routledge. 10.4324/9781003306900-35. MORE

[1] Schulte, Felix. 2023. “On the Dynamics of Secessionist Conflict.” In Cittadinanza e Separatismi: Esperienze e Prospettive in Europa, ed. Giammaria Milani. Milano: Wolters Kluwer, 1–23. MORE


[7] Schulte, Felix. 2023. “Wie lässt sich das Textverständnis von Studierenden verbessern?HINT. Heidelberg Inspirations for Innovative Teaching: 149–67. doi:10.11588/HINT.2023.1.101931. MORE

[6] Schulte, Felix. 2023. “Approaches to Researching Territorial Autonomy: Reflections on Methodology and Data.” IACL-IADC Blog. MORE

[5] Schulte, Felix, and Christoph Trinn. 2021. “Why We Should Stop Cherry-Picking in the Analysis of Consociational Institutions.” 50 Shades of Federalism. MORE

[4] Schulte, Felix. 2017. “Ålands Autonomie. Implikationen für eine friedliche Bearbeitung ethnischer Konflikte.” W&F Wissenschaft und Frieden 35(4): 28–32. MORE

[3] Schulte, Felix. 2015. “Frieden Durch Föderalismus.” Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 65(28–30): 36–40. MORE

[2] Schulte, Felix. 2015. “Conflict Regulation through Self-Rule: Success Factors for Territorial Autonomy Systems.” Report from the Aland Islands Peace Institute (1). MORE

[1] Schulte, Felix. 2014. “Geteiltes Leid, Halbes Leid, Halber Konflikt? Eine Untersuchung des Einflusses von Naturkatastrophen auf zwischenstaatliche Kriege und Konflikte.iReflect 1(1): 39–66.

Policy Reports

[1] Medda-Windischer, Roberta, Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark, Felix Schulte, and Stephanie Marsal Cramer. 2020. Mapping Integration Indicators. A Reference Tool for Evaluating the Implementation of Ljubljana Guidelines-Based Policy, Report Commissioned by the HCNM/OSCE. EURAC, Aland Peace Institute, Heidelberg University. MORE

Book Reviews

[2] Schulte, Felix. 2023. “Soeren Keil and Sabine Kopp (Eds.), Emerging Federal Structures in the Post-Cold War Era, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, 338 Pp, £109.99 (Hbk).” Nations and Nationalism 29(2): 784–85. doi: 10.1111/nana.12939. MORE

[1] Schulte, Felix. 2022. “Olgun Akbulut and Elçin Aktoprak (Eds.), Minority Self-Government in Europe and the Middle East. From Theory to Practice (Brill, Leiden, 2019), Isbn 978-90-04-40544-8.” In European Yearbook of Minority Issues, 19, Brill. MORE


Territorial Self-Governance Dataset (TERRGO). MORE

Territorial Autonomy Literature Datasets/ Bibliography (TALD). MORE